Black Magic Woman

Genre: Thriller, Horror, Erotic
Released: April 24, 1991
Rated: R (USA), 18 (UK), 18 (Germany)
Director: Deryn Warren
Mark's Role: Brad Travis
Also starring: Apollonia Kotero, Amanda Wyss, Abidah Viera, Victor Rivers

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Brad Travis has all the best in life. Owner of a successful art gallery, Brad is handsome and charming. His girlfriend, Diane, is beautiful and intelligent. Things could be perfect, if Brad were not the womanizer he is. During a soirée in his gallery, Brad meets Cassandra Perry, a striking lady who immediately fascinates him. They flirt and since Cassandra seems to be just as taken as Brad they end up having a spicy, passionate affair. Carefree as he is, Brad doesn't essentially see a problem, until his secret ladyfriend develops stronger feelings than he anticipated.

Things spiral out of his control - Diane finds out he has been unfaithful, Cassandra is furious and crushed. All of a sudden mysterious, scary things happen to Brad. Is it Cassandra, pushed to take revenge by her wounded heart? Or is someone else behind it? Brad must find out quickly, as his very life is at stake.