Time Runner

Genre: Sci-Fi, Thriller
Released: March 17, 1993
Rated: R (USA), 15 (UK), 16 (GER)
Director: Michael Mazo
Mark's Role: Michael Raynor
Also starring: Rae Dawn Chong, Brion James, Mark Baur

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Michael Raynor has more than just one problem. He's a scientist in the far future of Earth and works on a space station when hostile aliens attack. He manages to escape, leaving his dead beloved behind, but ends up in a worm hole that transports him back in time, far into the past, into the year in which he was born.

It will be difficult enough for him to find a way back to where he belongs, but things get far more complicated as the government discovers his ship and as it becomes clear that the invasion of the future is already being prepared.

Michael needs to find a way to set things right and somehow stay alive...