
Alternate Title: Commander Hamilton
Genre: Action, Crime
Released: January 30, 1998
Rated: Unknown (USA), 15 (UK), 18 (GER)
Director: Harald Zwart
Mark's Role: Mike Hawkins
Also starring: Peter Stormare, Lena Olin, Mats L�ngbacka

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Michael Hawkins, formerly CIA agent, has retired from active service and moved to Murmansk, Russia, where he founded the Anglo-Russian Steel Company, making it a successful business venture. His mind is set on more challenging tasks, though.

His company acts as cover for his clandestine operations, terrorist operations that culminate in the theft of nuclear missiles. Providing traitors within the Russian government with the plans for the undertaking and acting as conduit between them and the buyers of the weapon, Hawkins is the center piece of an intrigue that reaches as far as Sweden.

It is there that Commander Carl Hamilton, top agent of Swedish Intelligence, is charged with returning the missile and uncovering the perpetrators behind the crime. As Hamilton travels to Russia to investigate, he and Hawkins inevitably clash, manifesting instant and mutual hatred as they play cat and mouse. They finallyend up in Lybia, with the missile in Hawkins' possession and nearly ready to be fired.

Hamilton believes stealth and force will save the day, but he errs. Hawkins always is one step ahead...