Mark Interviews 1990+

Mark Hamill

Do you ever regret doing STAR WARS?

Sure. I often wonder what else I might have done, but you're talking about the road not taken. It fascinates me, but I don't see it as productive to talk about in public. But I might talk about it in private.

Are you a fatalistic person?

On any given day, I might have one attitude as opposed to another. I change a lot. That's a way of dealing with life.

Do you believe in myths?


Have you had a supernatural experience?

Not that I'm aware of.

When was your last wild night out?

Last night Marilou and I were home alone.

What did you do on your last birthday? Your 47th?

No, I was born in 1951, so don't shove me ahead that far. I'm 45. I was working on my last birthday, so I didn't tell anybody. And my kids forgot. I think we had cake the following weekend.

Which film star would you like to have had sex with?

Thelma Todd. [leading actress of the 1930s]

What was the most outrageous thing written about you?

That I was in a pornographic film. It was John Hammil. They showed me a poster. So I go, 'I have not done that.' It was a British softcore party film. That isn't even how I spell my name.

Did you know there was a pornographic STAR WARS?

Is there one? Send me them please to PO Box 55, Malibu, California 90265. I'll accept that.

What is the worst piece of criticism you have heard about yourself?

When they criticise, I understand. I'm not perfect. But when people write superlatives - comparing you to James Cagney - I think you should take those as seriously as when they say you stink. In the middle is where you want.

Who is the most powerful person in the film industry?

Lucas... Spielberg ... nah, John Hammil!

What do you think of Tarantino?

I love him. I think he's an original. Some of his stuff is a little grim and violent for me, but I am a big supporter of his work.

What was the last movie you saw?

Fargo. I voted for it as Best Picture this year. It's basically what I want to do with Black Pearl (a script he is currently working on) because I want it to be so realistic.

Ever walked out of a movie?

No, I never have. Even if it is an insult to my intelligence, I want to see it to the very end to see what went wrong.

Do you do your own shopping?

Sure, I love going to the grocery store late at night.

How much is a pint of milk?

Depends on whether you are getting a quart or a half gallon. That is something I don't do - I pay for it on the credit card. Marilou compares prices while I go for the most colorful box.

Were you a teenage rebel?

In my own way. I mean everyone is, but I was probably more conventional than I ever would want to admit.

We all revise it.

Yes, of course.

Would you let your children do what you have done?

I wouldn't encourage them to, although I wouldn't discourage them, either. They're both artistic and one plays the guitar. Boy, I hope that is a hobby.

What would you like written on your tombstone?

He cared.

Are you depressed at all the things that never really went your way acting-wise?

I don't covet anyone's career. I don't say I wish I was Emilio Estevez or X,Y or Z. I remember thinking I wish I had a part in JFK because I never thought that guy was on his own and it was a little far-fetched. It would have been an interesting project.

Do you have any life regrets?

Sometimes, I've done or said things to hurt people and I didn't mean to. Early in my career, I would treat journalists like psychoanalysts and say things I shouldn't, like Brian DePalma hates me. That wasn't true, it was something Brian heard about and it caused all kinds of problems. I didn't understand the role of journalists. I went to my first media consultant the other week and I should have gone 20 years ago.

Any phobias?

This may shatter a few illusions but I'm not really crazy about flying.

Have you ever been in therapy?


Have you ever felt like murdering someone?

Well, yeah, I used to fantasise about hiring a hit person to kill this actress I worked with on Broadway. That frightened me. That was why I went into therapy. I would never do it, of course, but I thought even if I'm thinking of it, what am I doing?

Have you lied since we started talking?

No. I don't think so. Not consciously.
Empire Magazine, April 1997


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