Mark Interviews 2000+

10 Questions: Mark Hamill

1. What is your favorite piece of music?

It's hard to narrow it down to one simple thing, but I loved Peter and the Wolf when I was a kid. The Beatles totally changed that. But my dream would be Peter and the Wolf performed by The Beatles, or even The Rolling Stones. I think Mick would make a great Peter.

What is your favorite film?

(Laughs.) A Hard Day's Night.

What is your favorite TV program, past or current?

Current would be The Simpsons. Past – It's between The Honeymooners and Sgt. Bilko (a.k.a. You'll Never Get Rich). Not the Steve Martin version either – the one with Phil Silvers. Gotta give Car 54, Where Are You? an honorable mention – it has some of the best character actors ever.

What do you feel has been your most important professional accomplishment to date?

Why, Comic Book: The Movie, of course. I'm sincere about that. There are certain jobs that you love for various reasons – this is so much of my sensibility. It will be interesting to see how the public reacts not to a character of mine, but to me – and a character of mine – with Don Swan.

5. Which project do you feel didn't live up to what you envisioned?

Harrigan 'N Hart. It was a brilliant melancholy biography. It was the best part I ever had, and when they brought it to Broadway, they changed the direction of the piece – which ruined what I thought was a terrific role.

6. What is your favorite book?

I can't single out one book. I can tell you that one of the books that really grabbed me as a child was Life Along the Mississippi, by Mark Twain. It brought me back to a simpler time in America and was influential in shaping what I liked and disliked about literature.

7. If you could change one thing about the industry, what would it be?

Less interference and more trusting in the artistic vision of the writers and directors. I think there's too much focus grouping and assembly-line interference from executives. Especially in television, we need to go back to having the "one person, one vision" way of conducting business.

8. Who – or what – would you say has had the biggest influence on your career?

That's a tough one. I think Sam Fuller, the director – because he's a guy who was his own man… He was an incredible man. Being able to write and direct and not compromise – and even though Hollywood turned its back on him, he was considered one of the greatest filmmakers of all time. He gave me inspiration that you can be true to yourself and not have to be the toast of the town to be valuable.

9. What is your next project?

My next project is a show called The Wrong Coast, which will be airing on AMC in early 2004. It is an animated satire of what I call "Hooray for Hollywood" type shows (Access Hollywood, etc., etc.). Some of these shows deserve the good-natured needling we give them.

10. What is the one project that you've always wanted to do, but have yet to be able to?

I've always dreamed of doing Peter Pan more like the book – I have high hopes for the version that came out Christmas Day, as it seems like it will be close to the book. I'd like to work with children – maybe even non-professional actors – because they have an honesty that is intrinsic in their character. They haven't learned to be false. I'd like to tell a story from the P.O.V. of kids anywhere from 4 to 11 – before the hormones kick in…
IGN Film Force, January 21, 2004


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